Useful Links  
  Iran Cohort Consortium
Cohort studies play a central role in medical research to improve public and individual health. Since cohort studies are growing in number across the country, the Iran Cohort Consortium (ICC) was established to enhance the power of these studies and direct their goals and aspiration more effectively with a view to addressing health problems issues in Iran.

  The Prospective Epidemiological Research Studies of the Iranian Adults (PERSIAN)
The Prospective Epidemiological Research Studies of the Iranian Adults (PERSIAN) is a nationwide cohort study launched in the year 2014 in an attempt to expand and encourage research in the field of medicine, epidemiology, health, and nutrition, by empowering medical schools around the country with the necessary resources to take part in the study, to reach the ultimate goal of identifying the risk factors related to the most prevalent chronic diseases in Iran, in order to reform the health system to manage the problems at hand, and to enhance the health of Iranians while contributing to the world’s medical knowledge.

  Golestan Cohort study

  Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (TLGS)
To study prevalence, incidence and trend of NCDs risk factors and events in urban population of Tehran.

  the Persian Gulf Biomedical Sciences Research Institute

  the Persian Gulf Tropical Medicine Research Center

  the Persian Gulf Marine Biotechnology Research Center

  the Persian Gulf Nuclear Medicine Research Center

  Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Institute

تعداد بازدید:   1
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University Affiliation Address:
دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بوشهر، بوشهر ، ایران
Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran